Breast Augmentation
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Montreal, Quebec

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure intended to improve the shape of the breasts and increase their size with implants or your own body’s fat (natural breast augmentation). Breast enlargement plastic surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, with surgeons performing over 298,000 breast augmentations in 2022 alone. (1)
Before and After Photos
Dr. Gaby Doumit is a board-certified plastic surgeon who knows that every woman is unique in both her body shape and desires. Dr. Doumit will take time during the consultation to learn his patients’ wishes. His main goals when performing breast augmentation are patient satisfaction, safety, and a beautiful-looking, long-lasting outcome. Dr Doumit performs 100-200 bilateral breast augmentation per year.
Contact us online or call (514) 932-8200 to learn more about how we can transform your breasts and increase their volume for a fuller, natural look at our Montreal office.
For many women, the result of breast augmentation surgery can be satisfying, even exhilarating. Breast augmentation will make your breasts fuller and enhance their shape. The results of breast augmentation are long-lasting. Like many women who have had the procedure, you may have a boost in self-confidence.
About Breast Augmentation
If you are not happy with the size and shape of your breasts, breast augmentation can increase their size for more balanced body proportions. Breast implants can also correct congenital concerns such as asymmetry. Dr. Doumit’s patients typically undergo breast enhancement surgery to achieve a greater proportional balance or restore volume lost over time from aging, pregnancy, or weight changes.

Types of Implants
There are many different types and designs of implants, and Dr. Doumit will help you choose the right option for your goals. Breast implants are made up of a silicone shell filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone gel. Both saline and silicone implants are safe and each has significant advantages:
- Saline Implants: For patients who desire a smaller cup size increase or have a curvier frame, saline implants can offer a natural increase in volume. They are the safest option with a low risk of rupture. If a saline implant does rupture, however, it is rapidly obvious because the body absorbs the saline and the implant deflates almost immediately.
- Silicone Implants: For a softer feel, we can use silicone implants to naturally increase your cup size. While silicone implants are also safe, and ruptures are uncommon, silicone gel needs to be removed from the body if a rupture does occur.
- Gummy Bear Implants: Depending on your body type, you may need an implant that provides more structure. Gummy bear implants are filled with a silicone gel and are firmer for patients who need more volume. They are ideal for patients with a lower BMI because they provide a natural-looking cup size increase without the same risk of rippling associated with saline implants.
Dr. Doumit will discuss in detail the type of implant best suited for you and the pros and cons of silicone versus saline. Based on your goals, you and Dr. Doumit will select the best type of breast augmentation, implant, and location (above or below the chest muscle).
Type of Incisions
The incisions for breast augmentation with saline implants are typically smaller than with silicone implants because saline implants are filled with water after we place them into the breast. Silicone implants, however, are filled by the manufacturer before we place them into the breast tissue. Dr. Doumit can perform a variety of incisions during breast augmentation surgery:
- Inframammary: Along the crease on the underside of the breast
- Periareolar Around the lower portion of the areola – dark skin around the nipple
- Transaxillary: In the armpit
Fat Transfer
A natural augmentation with a fat transfer is a procedure that increases the size of your breasts with fat from another area of your body. During the procedure, we can use liposuction to extract fat from one area and inject it into the breasts for a fuller look. Some patients prefer to use their natural fat instead of implants for breast augmentation because they prefer not to use synthetic materials. We can discuss the best procedure for your body goals during your consultation.
Breast Augmentation Benefits
Patients enjoy several benefits of breast augmentation:
- Increased breast volume: If you recently lost volume from pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight changes, we can restore it to help you get your old body back.
- Customizable treatments: We offer implants that come in several sizes and are made of different materials to customize your look based on your individual goals.
- Balanced proportions: We can improve asymmetries, and balance the proportions of your upper and lower body for a curvier silhouette.
- Improved self-esteem: Many patients feel more comfortable in their bodies after breast augmentation which can improve intimate relationships and overall confidence.
Candidates & Consultation
Suitable candidates for breast augmentation would like to increase the volume of their breasts for a curvier, more balanced figure. During your initial consultation, Dr. Doumit will assess your overall health and discuss the best type of implant for you based on the shape of your breasts and your body type. The newest saline implants have a very realistic look and texture. However, in thin patients, saline implants can feel like a water balloon. On the other hand, silicone implants look and feel even more natural. We can perform a physical exam to ensure we choose the right implant because the material of the implant we use will affect your breast shape. (2)
Breast Augmentation Lift
If your breasts are sagging (the nipple-areolar complex is drooping), a breast augmentation can cause your breasts to droop further and will not provide an aesthetically pleasing result. In this case, Dr. Doumit may recommend a mastopexy surgery (breast lift surgery), in conjunction with a breast augmentation, also known as an augmentation-mastopexy. Be sure to tell Dr. Doumit if you smoke, and if you are taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs. We will need to discuss your medical history and lifestyle to customize your procedure for your aesthetic goals and safety.
How to Prepare for Breast Augmentation
To prepare for breast augmentation, you should avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after the procedure. You will also need to prepare a comfortable place to recover at home so you can focus on healing and rest. You will also need to:
- Take time off work
- Stop taking blood thinners
- Cease smoking 6 weeks before and after your procedure
- Arrange for an adult you trust to drive you home
- Go grocery shopping ahead of time
- Prepare your meals for a comfortable recovery
We recommend that you pick up prescriptions for your recovery before your procedure so you can rest. You will also need someone to monitor you for the first 48 hours after your procedure.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
We perform breast augmentation procedures under general anesthesia, and the procedure typically lasts less than 1 and a half hours. During the procedure, we will place you under anesthesia, cleanse your skin, and mark your breasts for surgery. Dr. Doumit will make a discrete incision to minimize scar visibility. Through the incision, Dr. Doumit will create a pocket within the breast tissue to place the implant by performing an internal bra procedure. To optimize the accuracy of future mammograms, we usually place implants behind the pectoralis major muscle (subpectoral – dual plane) on the chest wall. With lighted retractors, Dr. Doumit reinforces the implant pockets inferiorly and laterally to prevent the breast implants from falling low and to the sides. Dr Doumit uses strong sutures and carefully places them for long-lasting results.
Dr. Doumit performs your breast enlargement surgery as an outpatient procedure. Someone must drive you home afterward and be available to monitor you for 48 hours. At home, it is essential to rest for two days and take all your prescribed medications. You can use ice packs to help reduce discomfort every hour for 10 minutes while you are awake. Most patients feel pain and stiffness after surgery for two to five days. We will provide a surgical bra or bandages to support your breasts during your recovery. You may walk and stretch in the house when you are feeling up to it but do not exercise.
All sutures used in the surgery will dissolve, so you will not need to return to the office to have them removed. Many patients return to work within the week, and any post-operative swelling and sensitivity will usually diminish in two to three weeks. You can resume regular exercise 21 days after your augmentation. Your implants may sit higher on your chest, but they will settle into place in a few weeks. Scars from breast augmentation incisions are discrete and will begin to fade in the first few months after surgery.
For many women, the result of breast augmentation surgery can be satisfying, even exhilarating. Breast augmentation will make your breasts fuller and enhance their shape. The results of breast augmentation are also long-lasting. Like many women who have had the procedure, you can enjoy a boost in self-confidence and improved intimate relationships after breast augmentation. (3)
Each year, thousands of women undergo successful breast augmentation surgery. Yet, all surgical procedures involve some risk. Complications are uncommon but they may include infection, bleeding, leakage of the implant, capsular contracture, pain, swelling, and change in nipple sensation. Capsular contracture occurs when the capsule surrounding the breast implant starts to tighten and squeeze the soft breast implant. Hence, it can cause pain (rarely) and make the breast feel harder.
Capsular contracture may require us to replace the breast implant. If you have excessive bleeding after breast augmentation and develop a hematoma, you will need an additional operation to remove it. Infection can occur in a very small number of women and generally appears five to seven days after surgery. If the infection does not respond to antibiotics, the breast implant needs to be removed for at least 3-6 months before we can perform another breast augmentation procedure. Breast implants have a very low risk of rupturing. When saline-filled breast implants rupture, the patients will know quickly because the body absorbs the saline and the breast deflates after 1-2 days.
Breast Implant Replacement
If a rupture occurs in a silicone-filled breast implant, we can perform a breast implant removal procedure. For the vast majority of ruptured silicone implants, especially with newer generations of gel implants, the gel stays in the capsule and does not migrate. Occasionally, the patient may detect changes in the firmness and shape of the breast. In general, breast implant rupture requires surgery to replace it.
Cost of Breast Augmentation in Montreal
The cost of breast augmentation will depend on your body goals, the size of the implant you need for your desired look, and whether or not you will need additional procedures to remove excess skin. For estimates, see our pricing guide.
Call our office at (514) 932-8200 to schedule a consultation for an all-inclusive quote, or use our online contact form for your convenience.
How do I know what type of implant is best for my breast augmentation?
The type of implant you need for breast augmentation will depend on your individual body goals and your body type. During your consultation, we will perform a physical exam to determine the best type of implant for your needs.
Will breast augmentation leave scars?
We take care to make incisions along the natural folds of your breasts where they are easily concealed. Over time, the incisions will fade into your skin.
Can I correct droopy breasts with breast augmentation?
Although breast augmentation can improve the appearance of droopy breasts, we cannot correct sagging breasts with augmentation alone. We can discuss whether or not an internal bra or a breast lift will be the best option for correcting sagging skin during your consultation.
How long will my implants last?
If you take good care of your body, exercise regularly, eat healthy meals, and maintain a stable weight, your implants can last 10 years or longer.
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Procedural Statistics Data Insights Partners: 2022 ASPS Procedural Statistics Release.; 2023.
- Kaoutzanis C, Winocour J, Unger J, Gabriel A, Maxwell GP. The Evolution of Breast Implants. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2019;33(04):217-223. doi:
- Bari B, Noorizadeh H. The effect of breast augmentation surgery on quality of life, satisfaction, and marital life in married women using BREAST-Q as a validation tool. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2020;9(2):711. doi: