Conveniently located to serve the areas of Montreal, Quebec

MONTREAL MALE BREAST REDUCTION Top Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Gaby Doumit is board-certified in plastic surgery. One of the esthetic surgery procedures he performs is male breast reduction for gynecomastia. For men with breast enlargement, breast reduction surgery can enhance their chest contour and improve their self-confidence. Male breast reduction surgery removes fat, breast glandular tissue and in some patients excess skin, resulting in a flat and firm chest. During your consultation, Dr. Doumit will listen to your concerns and he will discuss with you the surgical options available to meet your desired goals.
I was very cynical about getting my breast reduction done. I’m extremely happy about my results. Dr. Doumit is a true professional. He is very compassionate. I was so happy and confident with Dr. Doumit’s abilities. Dr. Doumit is amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t go to Dr. Doumit to get my gynecomastia treated earlier.
Before and After Photos
Gynecomastia comes from the Greek words for “women like breasts”. Gynecomastia affects 24 to 60% of men. It can involve one or both breasts. Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male chest due to possible increased estrogen levels in the blood or increased breast sensitivity to a normal level of estrogen. Certain medical conditions and medications are linked to gynecomastia, such as impaired liver function, testicular tumors, pituitary tumors, thyroid tumors, and anabolic steroids. However, in the vast majority of patients, there is no known cause for male breast overdevelopment.

I was very cynical about getting my breast reduction done. I’m extremely happy about my results. Dr. Doumit is a true professional. He is very compassionate. I was so happy and confident with Dr. Doumit’s abilities. Dr. Doumit is amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t go to Dr. Doumit to get my gynecomastia treated earlier.
Ideal Candidate
Male breast reduction surgery is a safe and effective option for men who are looking to improve enlarged breasts, are in good physical health, and have realistic expectations.
Individuals who drink alcohol in excess smoke marijuana or take certain medications like anabolic steroids are not good candidates for gynecomastia as breast enlargement may recur. Therefore, patients are first asked to stop the use of these substances before surgery. Smokers should plan to stop smoking for at least two weeks before surgery and during recovery. Smoking diminishes circulation and interferes with proper healing.
Male breast reduction for gynecomastia is performed under local anesthesia. Extensive correction may be performed under general anesthesia. Surgical times usually average about two hours. Excess fat tissue is removed with liposuction techniques, whereas excess breast glandular tissue and skin will require surgical excision. The incision will be made in an inconspicuous location at the edge of the areola. Working through the skin incision, Dr. Doumit removed the excess breast tissue and skin. Patients with very large breasts or post significant weight loss will require larger skin excisions as the skin will not adjust well to the new smaller breast contour. These incisions result in more visible scars.
If your breast enlargement consists primarily of excessive fatty tissue, Dr. Doumit will use the liposuction technique to remove the excess fat. A 4 mm incision is made in the underarm area. A small hollow tube, also known as a cannula, is inserted into the incision. The cannula is also attached to a vacuum pump. Using deliberate strokes, Dr. Doumit suctioned out the fat.
Drainage tubes are occasionally placed to minimize postoperative swelling; they are often removed within a few days.
The results of male breast reduction surgery are usually long-lasting. Your new chest contour will enhance your self-image and confidence.
Some discomfort, bruising, and swelling can be expected following male breast reduction surgery. Pain medication and cold compresses will alleviate the discomfort. You will need to wear a chest support garment for several weeks to help support the new contours of the chest and to reduce swelling. The vast majority of the swelling will resolve in the first two weeks following surgery. However, it will take three months before the final results of your surgery are apparent. Dr. Doumit will advise you to avoid sexual activity for ten days and heavy exercise for about three weeks. You should also avoid exposing your scars to the sun for at least six months following surgery. Sunlight can cause the scar to turn dark. If sun exposure is necessary, a sunblock is advised. Most patients return to work within a few days.
When male breast-reduction surgery is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, complications are rare and minor. Nevertheless, possible complications of male breast reduction include Asymmetry, flap necrosis, infection, bleeding, seroma, permanent pigment changes, and bad scarring. If asymmetry is significant, a revision surgery may be necessary to remove further breast tissue.
The cost of gynecomastia starts at 6000 $.