Breast Augmentation

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Montreal, Quebec

Breast Augmentation Montreal, QC

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure intended to improve the shape and increase the size of a woman’s breasts through the use of breast implants or their body’s fat (natural breast augmentation). Breast enlargement plastic surgery is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures in North America. Dr. Doumit’s main goals when performing breast augmentation are patient satisfaction and safety, coupled with a beautiful-looking, long-lasting outcome. Dr. Doumit knows that every woman is unique in both her body shape and desires. Dr. Doumit will take the time during the consultation to learn his patients’ desires. He will discuss your breast enhancement cosmetic surgery goals with you. Based on your goals, you and Dr. Doumit will select the type of breast augmentation, appropriate implant, and implant placement.

In 2014, I had a breast increase with Dr. Doumit. I am extremely happy with the result. The choice of size, likely, is perfect. Dr. Doumit and his team are great, they are attentive. Thank you again for the great experience. I recommend Dr. Doumit without hesitation.

Before and After Photos

Ideal Candidate

If you are not happy with the size, symmetry, and shape of your breasts, you may wish to consider breast augmentation surgery. Breast implants can also correct breast asymmetry caused by congenital problems. Dr. Doumit patients typically undergo breast enhancement surgery to achieve a greater proportional balance, address asymmetrical concerns, or restore volume lost over time.

Augmentation Types

There are many different types and designs of implants, and Dr. Doumit will help you choose the right option for your goals. Breast implants are made up of a silicone shell filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone gel. Both are safe and each has significant advantages.

Saline implants are the safest option. If a saline implant does rupture, it is rapidly obvious because the body absorbs the saline and the implant deflates almost immediately. While silicone implants are also safe, and ruptures are very uncommon, silicone gel needs to be removed from the body if a rupture does occur.

The newest saline implants have a very realistic look and texture. However, in thin patients, saline implants can feel like a water balloon. On the other hand, silicone implants look and feel even more natural.

Skin incisions for breast augmentation surgery with saline implants are typically smaller than with silicone implants as saline implants are filled with water after implantation in the breast, while silicone implants are filled by the manufacturer.

Dr. Doumit will discuss in detail the choice of implants best suited for your and the pros and cons of saline versus saline.


In your initial consultation, Dr. Doumit will assess your overall health and discuss with you in great detail which surgical breast augmentation is best suited for you based on the shape of your breasts and their skin tone. If your breasts are sagging (drooping of the nipple-areolar complex), a breast augmentation will not give an aesthetically pleasing result; Dr. Doumit will recommend a mastopexy surgery (i.e.breast lift surgery), in conjunction with a breast augmentation, also known as a augmentation-mastopexy.

Be sure to tell Dr. Doumit if you smoke, and if you’re taking any medications, vitamins, or other drugs.

Procedure Details

Breast augmentation procedures are performed under general anesthesia and last less than one and a half hours. Incisions are made in discreet places to minimize scar visibility. There are a variety of incisions used to perform breast augmentation surgery. Incisions may be in the crease on the underside of the breast (inframammary), around the lower portion of the areola – dark skin around the nipple (periareolar), and in the armpit (transaxillary). Through these incisions, Dr. Doumit creates a pocket to place the implant. To optimize the accuracy of future mammograms, implants are generally placed behind the pectoralis major muscle (subpectoral – Dual plane) on the chest wall.

Dr Doumit performs the internal bra procedure. Under the direct vision and using lighted retractors, Dr Doumit reinforces the implant pockets inferiorly and laterally to prevent the breast implants from falling low and to the sides. Dr Doumit uses strong sutures and carefully places them for long-lasting results.


Your breast enlargement surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure. Someone must drive you home after your breast augmentation and be available for the first night after your breast augmentation in Montreal.  At home, it is essential to rest for the two days. It is essential to take all your prescribed medications. Ice packs will greatly help in controlling pain. They need to be placed every hour for 10 minutes while you are awake. Most patients feel pain and stiffness after surgery for two to five days. The pain is well controlled with pain medications. Your breasts will be supported by a surgical bra or bandages during the first few days. Walk and stretch in the house when you are feeling up to it, but do not exercise. All sutures used in the surgery will dissolve, and no sutures need to be removed. Many patients return to work within the week. Any post-operative swelling and sensitivity will usually diminish in two to three weeks. The best plastic surgeon for breast augmentation, Dr. Doumit permits his patients to resume exercise 21 days after augmentation. Your implants may sit higher on your chest, but they will settle into place in a few weeks. Scars from breast augmentation incisions will begin to fade in the first few months after surgery.


Each year, thousands of women undergo successful breast augmentation surgery. Yet, all surgical procedures involve some risk. Complications are uncommon but they may include infection, bleeding, leakage of the implant, capsular contracture, pain, swelling, and change in nipple sensation. Capsular contracture occurs when the capsule surrounding the breast implant starts to tighten and squeeze the soft breast implant. Hence, it can cause pain (rarely) and make the breast feel harder. Capsular contracture can sometimes require excision of the capsule and replacement of the breast implant.

Excessive bleeding following breast augmentation can cause some discomfort, extensive swelling, and bruising. An operation may be necessary to stop the bleeding and remove the hematoma.

Infection can occur in a very small number of women. Infection following breast augmentation generally appears five to seven days after surgery. If the infection does not respond to antibiotics, the breast implant needs to be removed for at least 3-6 months. Breast augmentation can then be re-performed.

There is no evidence that breast implants will affect fertility, pregnancy, breast cancer, or your ability to nurse.

The risk of breast implant rupture at ten years is about 5 to 6%. The risk increases by 1% every year following the 10 years. When saline-filled breast implants rupture, the patients will know quickly as the body absorbs the water as the breast implant deflates after 1-2 days. If a rupture occurs in a silicone-filled breast implant, the patient may not detect any changes. Occasionally, the patient may detect changes in the firmness and shape of the breast. In the vast majority of ruptured silicone implants, especially with the newer generation of gel implants, the gel stays in the capsule and does not migrate. In general, breast implant rupture requires surgery to replace the breast implant.


For many women, the result of breast augmentation surgery can be satisfying, even exhilarating. Breast augmentation will make your breasts fuller and enhance their shape. The results of breast augmentation are long-lasting. Like many women who have had the procedure, you may have a boost in self-confidence.
