Thigh Lift
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Montreal, Quebec

Top Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Gaby Doumit is board-certified in plastic surgery in Canada and the United States, emphasizing plastic and aesthetic surgery. One of the cosmetic procedures he performs is the Thigh Lift Montreal. Significant weight loss leaves patients with excess sagging thigh skin, which can be often uncomfortable and unsightly. A Thigh Lift, also known as Thighplasty, is a simple outpatient procedure used to remove hanging skin of the upper thighs. The result of Thigh Lift is extremely gratifying and yields a tighter, more youthful pleasing contour. If bothersome excess fat is also present on the thigh area, liposuction can be used during the thigh lift surgery to further improve the contour and provide you with the desired natural look. Thigh Lifts can be performed alone or in conjunction with other body contouring surgeries.
After consulting with 4 plastic surgeons who perform liposuction, Dr. Doumit gained my confidence due to his extremely pleasant and professional manner. I was instantly put at ease and he was so very comprehensive with his questions and exam. Unlike other physicians, he made sure to cover my entire well-being as an individual, which carried on even after I recovered from the surgery. My tummy is flat, my waist is narrowed and my shape has improved. I would recommend Dr. Doumit to anyone.
Before and After Photos
Ideal Candidate

The best candidates for Thigh Lift Plastic Surgery are individuals with excessive amounts of sagging skin on the thighs. Patients with fat deposits that are not responding to exercise may be helped with liposuction. The patients need to be in good physical health and do not have medical conditions that can impair healing or increase the risk of surgery. The patients need to be within a healthy body weight range and have realistic expectations to achieve great satisfaction from this procedure
Thigh Lift Surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. Thigh-lift surgery usually takes about two to three hours. Because Montreal Thigh Lift Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Doumit, combines extensive experience with surgical innovations, your surgeon will use the smallest incisions possible to remove excess fat and skin. Medial Thigh Lift Surgery is achieved through incisions in the grown region along the natural fold of the skin, which can extend down along the inner aspect of the thigh (Inner Thigh Lift Surgery) toward the knee. Through these incisions, the tissues will be reshaped and tightened and the excess skin will be removed for a smoother, better-toned thigh. A drain will be temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess fluid – there is no pain associated with drainage tubes. The incision is then closed with absorbable sutures. The dressing will be placed on the incisions.
Post-operative discomfort is mild to moderate and it will be controlled with oral medications. The Thighs will be bruised and swollen for one to two weeks, and you may feel a burning sensation. You may shower two days after surgery. Montreal Thigh Lift plastic surgeon, Dr. Doumit, will ask you to wear a compression garment for few a weeks to help the healing process, reduce swelling, and enhance surgical results.
After surgery, you can expect to see immediate results including improved skin quality and contour, along with thighs that are in proportion with your body. The results get better and better over a few months as the swelling from the procedure decreases.
Montreal Thigh Lift plastic surgeon, Dr. Doumit, offers long-term results that are safe and effective for medial (inner) and outer thigh lifts, providing you eat sensibly and maintain a healthy weight. Most patients are extremely happy with the outcomes of their Thigh lift. Patients feel more comfortable in a wide variety of clothes, and more at ease with their bodies.
All surgeries carry some uncertainty and risk. Thigh Lift Surgery is considered safe. Possible complications from Thigh Lift include infection, fluid accumulation, blood clots, unfavorable scarring, bleeding, swelling, and loss of sensation. Extensive precautions are taken before, during, and after your procedure to help ensure a successful surgery and a desired result.
The cost of a thigh lift varies according to the complexity of the surgery that needs to be performed. It is usually between 6750 and 9000$.
Horizontal Thigh Lift: 10,500$
Vertical Thigh Lift: Starting at 11,500$
Vertical Thigh Lift with Liposuction: Starting at 12,500$