Conveniently located to serve the areas of Montreal, Quebec

Top Montreal plastic surgeon Dr. Gaby Doumit is board-certified in plastic surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, emphasizing Plastic & cosmetic surgery. Some of the cosmetic surgery procedures he performs are plastic surgery liposuction Montreal and body contouring surgery. Dr. Doumit’s work on liposuction surgery appeared in plastic surgery journals and textbooks. His work is being included in the state of an art textbook on full-body liposuction surgery. Dr. Doumit is one of the few surgeons in Montreal who offers SMART LIPO (Laser-Assisted Liposuction) and the only surgeon in Montreal who offers the latest SMART LIPO technology with the possibility of cellulite treatment. Dr Doumit also performs tumescent liposuction and power-assisted liposuction.

Liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat from different areas of your body. Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss. Liposuction offers a way to a smoother and improved body contour. Liposuction reduces overall body size for those with areas of fat that won’t go away with weight loss or exercise. Hence, it slims and reshapes for an enhanced self-image.

Liposuction removes localized areas of fat (ex: Neck, Arms, Body, Thigh ..) using a small thin tube (known as a cannula) that is connected to a vacuum. Liposuction can be easily performed on different areas of the body at one time or in conjunction with other procedures such as facelift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck to achieve the best results. Common areas amenable to liposuction have specific names among the general public: turkey waddle (neck), love handles (flanks), saddle bags (hips), and banana roll (buttocks).
Before and After Photos
Ideal Candidate
Ideal candidates for liposuction are healthy men or women of normal or slightly above average weight with good skin tone and elasticity, which have localized areas of fat resistant to exercise and diet. Liposuction cannot be used as a replacement for major weight loss.
Commonly treated areas with liposuction include the neck, breast (gynecomastia in males), arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, inner and outer thighs, knees, and calves.
Liposuction is not an effective treatment for patients with loose skin. It can help improve the appearance of cellulite but It will not fully cure it.
Dr. Doumit performs liposuction in Montreal on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia is reserved for small areas of liposuction. Several small (3-4 mm), discreet incisions are placed around the area to be treated. Tumescent solution (Local anesthetic, which numbs the area for many hours to days, is mixed with normal saline and epinephrine) is injected in the area to help expand and firm the fat, making it easier to remove. Using a small blunt-ended tube attached to a suction device, Dr. Doumit gently breaks up and removes the excess fat. At the end of the procedure, one dissolving suture is placed in each small incision and a compression garment is applied. Surgery will last one to two hours, or more if several areas are treated.
Liposuction Types
There are different types of liposuction performed by Dr. Doumit. While these techniques differ in some details, they all follow the basic technique of liposuction described above.
Standard Liposuction (SAL) – Tumescent technique
The wetting solution (Mixture of Local anesthetic, Epinephrine, and Normal Saline) is infiltrated in the localized areas of fat for a total volume of two to three times the volume of fat to be removed. The tumescent solution will cause the fat to swell, making it easier to remove. It results in less bleeding, less bruising, and better postoperative comfort. For maximum safety, we recommend liposuction be performed in the operating room. Most cases of liposuction remove a few liters of fat up to 5 liters. In those cases, the liposuction procedure is performed as a same-day procedure and the patient will go home a few hours after the procedure. In cases of large-volume liposuction (>5 liters of fat removed), an overnight stay is recommended.
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)
Dr. Doumit uses first a special cannula that produces ultrasound energy at its tip. The fat is liquefied (melt). Regular liposuction is then used to remove the fat from the body. Caution must be used with ultrasound-assisted liposuction, as skin burns are possible.
This technique is reserved for fat that is fibrous and more difficult to remove with standard liposuction.
Other brand Name Procedures:
New technologies are marketed every year. Many of those are promoted on large billboards and in the media to the general public without being clinically proven to be effective. Dr. Doumit offers only procedures and treatments that are FDA, Health Canada-approved and that are clinically proven to be effective. Discuss with Dr Doumit liposuction (lipo) without surgery.
After the liposuction procedure, mild pain requiring oral pain medication and swelling are expected for a few days. Bruising is expected after liposuction for 2-3 weeks. You will leave the operating room wearing a compression garment. It is recommended you wear the compression garment continuously for the 2 to 4 weeks after surgery to help diminish swelling. It will speed up recovery and promote flat/firm body contour. You are allowed to shower the day after surgery and you can return to work within a few days. Occasionally, when a large amount of fat is removed from a specific area, Dr. Doumit might place drains beneath the skin to expedite recovery. Skin numbness is common for a few weeks after surgery.
While most patients see results right away, it takes approximately 3 months for all surgical swelling to subside and for the outcome of liposuction to be apparent. The results of liposuction can be long-lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy and active life.
The cost of liposuction is between 4000-7000$ per anatomic zone.