
What is breast augmentation and post surgery precautions?

A Breast augmentation and lift  Is a surgical procedure to enhance the shape of the breasts following  weight loss or pregnancy. The purpose of this procedure is to lift, resize, and give fullness to the breasts. It is also called augmentation mastopexy surgery. Contents1 What is breast implant?1.1 What are the post operation precautions?1.2 Also, […]

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Breast augmentation: need, types, and cost

Breast augmentation is common in Canada & USA these days, if you feel your breasts need improvement than you must try for breast augmentation and breast implantation surgery. Now when we say this, three questions pop up in the mind. Do I need it? Is it safe? How much it will cost? […]

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What are the complications related to eyelid surgery?

Contents0.0.0.1 The two main reasons are to hide the effect of ageing and to re-shape the structure of the body area.0.1 This surgery comes with the following risks;0.1.1 How much time this surgery and related complications take to recover?1 Where to get blepharoplasty surgery? The two main reasons are to […]

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Bag under your eyes? Let’s remove it.

If you have naturally puffy eyes, then it is your personal choice to get rid of the bags under eyes through a surgery. Many people experience puffy eyes in later age due to several reasons. In that case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and tell him about your history and […]

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Dr doumit teach a plastic surgery course

Dr Doumit with 15 professors of surgery from across Canada and the United had the pleasure to teach a course on plastic surgery over three days in Seattle, USA. The Course was very successful. We had 67 participants (plastic surgeons, Ear Nose throat surgeons, oral surgeons) from multiple countries.

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What is the natural breast augmentation procedure?

Some people are afraid of undergoing surgery. However, when we say operation, it does not always imply a knife and an abscise. The current technology is much easier, and has less impact than the traditional approach, accomplishing quick results.  A patient wanting to undergo Breast Surgery would definitely want to know everything about […]

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How can you get bigger breasts with liposuction method?

It might seem terrifying to go under a knife surgery in order to enhance your Breast? However, did you know that it is not necessary that one undergoes this type of operation, since there is another method to enhance and augment your breasts; it is called liposuction. So what is liposuction, […]

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Dr Doumit Chair a Plastic Surgery Course Chicago

It was a great pleasure to co chair the ASMS plastic surgery course at Northwestern University in Chicago over the last 3 days. We had 63 plastic surgeons from the United States, Canada, Russia and Ireland.            

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Ear Surgery

Why undergo Ear Surgery & What is it ? A number of individuals are discontent with either the size or the shape of their ears. Their ears can be asymmetrical, droop too low or might protrude more than they should. This dissatisfaction and disappointment can start as early as childhood, […]

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Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

* Disclaimer: Those pictures represent real patients operated by Dr. Doumit. However, Patients results undergoing plastic surgery can vary from one to the other depending on multiple factors. Dr Doumit had the honor to moderate two pannels of plastic surgery at the American Society of Plastic Surgery surgery annual meeting […]

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